The Sims 1 - How To List Custom Content (CC) Used in House Lots

Building houses for The Sims 1 is a lot of fun. Sharing them can be quite cumbersome though, especially if you use lots of CC. With no easy way to create a package of your house lot or obtaining a list of used CC either, you're simply left either remembering or writing them down somewhere. Frustrating!

But luckily, there's a way to list CC by utilizing an application called Process Monitor. After following this guide, you should be able to list all used CC items in any house lot. So if this sounds like something you'd like to do, hug your llamas and let's get started!

What Do You Need?

For this to work, we need the following:

  • A computing device running Windows Vista (but preferably a little newer...) or later
  • The Sims 1 with some kind of Alt-Tab Patch
  • SysInternals Process Monitor (download page, click on 'Run now from SysInternals')
  • Well-organized download folder (this guide will not work properly without it! I name every custom content directory with the prefix 'CC_')
  • Optional, but handy: second monitor (preferably with a little llama figuare on top of it)

Preparing Process Monitor

Open up the Sysinternals Process Monitor you’ve downloaded. Accept the agreement (only shown first-time) and the application will open. The resulting window might look a bit daunting at first:

Currently, the application is monitoring reads and writes to lots of files and the Windows Registry. This will make it very difficult to find the files we need, which we'll fix now.

As it fills up your list, you may notice your computer slowing down. Click on the icon in the toolbar to turn scanning off, then click to clear the list.

Now click on the button. This will open up the following window:

You don't have to delete the existing entries. Instead, we'll add the following entries and click on 'Add':

Property Condition Name Inclusion
Process Name is Sims.exe Include
Path begins with C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxis\
The Sims\Downloads\CC_

This will limit the search to just The Sims 1, and all paths in the Downloads folder beginning with ‘CC_’. Again, it is important to prepend all CC folders with ‘CC_’ (for example) as it may otherwise get harder to find the used custom objects.

This is what our filter looks like now:

Press OK, and now we’re ready to open the game!

Opening The Sims 1 & Listing Used CC

Without scanning mode turned on, put Process Monitor on your second display (if applicable) and open up The Sims 1 now. When you’re in the neighborhood, wait for around 10 seconds and then use Alt-Tab to switch to the Process Monitor.

click the  icon to toggle scanning and Alt-Tab back to the game. Open up the desired house and switch from the first to the second floor (if applicable of course).

Now, use Alt-Tab to go back to the Process Monitor and it should be populated with all used CC:

Click on the  button to stop scanning. As you can see, there are now multiple entries in the list. To fix this, click on Tools > File Summary… and wait for loading to finish. There we go, we now have a list of all CC used!

You can now save this list as a CSV file, which you could open in Excel, LibreOffice Calc or text editor of choice. Enjoy!

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